How to Improve Your Golf Consistency!

Golf Consistency is what all golfers want. Consistency improves the game.

First of all, the wish of amateur and elite golfers alike, is how to improve their golf consistency. Videos has published an advertisement that Golfers had a swing quality of 76% Mis-Hits, elite golfers, about 50%. So you can see there is a lot of room for improvement. What is the reason for these %? How to reduce These Mis-Hits? How to gain golf consistency?

Golfers have no plan about their swing

We have completed a written survey with more than 1,050 Golfers the result was: Golfers do not know what they have to do, how they have to move, when they have to move and in which direction they have to move for a full swing. The 300 year old golf swing is taught with the 300 year old method: Trial and Error.

Golf is a Complex Sports, Not Easy to Improve Golf Consistency

We know today that complex swing motions like the golf swing need a step by step method and not trial and error. It needs a written 3D blue print of the swing with coordinates. The science guys name this neuro-cognition. Head body direction, which is the same as brain muscle communication. Additionally Golf is a target sport. All target sports are follow a core-balance system.
With the biomechanics advantage of core balance, we are able to use the big leg muscles with up to 700 watt power to speed up the hips. The CORE-BALANCE FREE-RELEASE Method developed by Master Instructor FREE-RELEASE Frank Drollinger is based on the CORE-BALANCE system.

A Written Guide Book is a Must Have for Golf Consistency

Every student gets a written guide book. We could reduce 12 degrees of freedom, which is a lot. We learn the written swing guide book step by step with 3D coordinates. All coordinates have an anatomic and biomechanic sense. Additionally, because of the clear definition of each swing phase, we are able to train every part of the swing by motor control. The body learns whats to do and the Golfer understands why to do it.
This is the precondition to avoid nonsense movements. This is also the precondition for repeatability and consistency. Instead of 76% Mis-Hits, we can offer elite and amateurs Golfers an average 85% DA, GIR.

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by United Golfers Corp.

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For our Team golf is not just a sport – it is a passion and a lifestyle!
Our team will do everything in their power to find the easiest way for all golfers to accelerate their training success, in order to be able to play healthier and longer, at the same time. The years of experience in the specialized areas of the individual members of the scientific team is the secret of success of the perfect training method. You will love this training, enjoy the training success and have fun with the game!