How to Reach Maximum Golf Power

Eliminate Negative Power Vectors to Gain More Golf Power

Traditional golf power is measured by club head speed, ball speed and distance. However, we forgot that a very important factor is also face angle and spin. We like to compare our measurements with the average statistical quality of pga tour players. You will find these numbers under the webpage of the pga tour stats.

The quality of the clubs are also, in relation to personal performance, very important. If we look at the old, unstructured, pathogenic imbalance method, there you will find parts of the swing, such as the grip, or lateral movement of the pelvis, unstable vertical axis which does not allow optimal club head speed. For example, what they call a strong right hand grip, will push the club in the front. This has a negative result of the club head vexing, which produces negative power.

Reach Maximum Power of 700W

Also, an unstable axis and the lateral hip movement blocks the calf muscles and the femur muscles from reaching maximum power of 700w and decreases it to about 30w. Because of the instability of the axis, and the blocked muscles, the rotational axis during the downswing, cannot be synchronized until ball impact. This means there is resistance from the rotational axis, which decreases the club head speed.

Easy Steps to Gain More Golf Power

Until we learn this, though research, we must ask ourselves, how can we improve this situation? So the first thing we changed, was the grip, we call it extra power grip. Therefore, the left hand grip is, in coordination with the biomechanical movement of the ball joint in the left shoulder. This means that Andrea and Frank Drollinger were only interested in using a grip in the left hand which allows a perfect face angle, at ball impact, which is an angle of zero. Using our reexamined right hand grip, you will be able to utilize a perfect grip. A grip in which your club head has no negative power vector influence.

Additionally, it is very important that your lag angle at the end of the backswing is positioned at 90 degrees. The CORE-BALANCE-FREE-RELEASE system does not block the calf and femur muscles at the end of the backswing. For that reason we are able to use up to 700 Watt power, using these muscles to speed up the pelvis 77 degrees until ball impact. This is a huge source of extra power.

Synchronize the Rotational Axis

We also synchronize the rotational axis of the foot, knee and shoulder, until ball impact, towards the target. Therefore we do not find create two rotational axis which works against each other. Because of the blocked pelvis and leg muscles, the old method has to create the power by stretching the left leg. This has performance disadvantages because you are forced to move your clubhead up and down. Furthermore you aren’t able to control the positioning of your ball impact.

Stretching Your Knee is an Unhealthy Move

Also, there is an unhealthy move that is performed, which consists of stretching your knee. This will potentially injuring your ACL and knee cartilage. The golf power vector with the old method goes up, as opposed to the core balance method, in which the power vector moves towards the target. The power result of the CORE-BALANCE-FREE-RELEASE method is up to 128 mph club head speed, in relation to a perfect smash factor of 1.5. Because we minimize the degrees of freedom, it is as simple for amateurs to improve, as it is for elite golfers.

Step by Step Training and Motor Control Training – a Perfect Combination

You’ll find the step-by-step learning system, and additional information on motor control, on our online learning system .

Extra support of your learning process is the possibility that you will be able to send in your swing Video. You will receive help and corrections. If you follow this system, you will improve your driving accuracy and green in-regulation, up to 57%.

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by United Golfers Corp.

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For our Team golf is not just a sport – it is a passion and a lifestyle!
Our team will do everything in their power to find the easiest way for all golfers to accelerate their training success, in order to be able to play healthier and longer, at the same time. The years of experience in the specialized areas of the individual members of the scientific team is the secret of success of the perfect training method. You will love this training, enjoy the training success and have fun with the game!