How to swing a proper golf swing

Turbo Speed of Learning – for Beginners and Elite Golfers

Thousands of clients are visiting our ONE-TO-ONE program to learn the proper golf swing. First they have to fill out a simple form. In this form, all students confirm as follows:

  • They do not know the name of the swing method they perform
  • All students have never received a written guide book or blue print of the swing with 3D coordinates
  • They are not able to describe their swing step by step.

Because of this survey we know that they do not have a chance to repeat motions. There is no Brain-Body-Communication possible.

Result: Nonsense Motions, Fear of Failure and 76% Mis – Hits.

Because we use the biomechanics rules all other target sports use: CORE-BALANCE, no lateral shear force, stable center of pressure, center of mass and center of head, we do not find a line of pressure until the back swing and we do not find vertical force until ball impact and we use a step by step learning program, a written guide book or as we like to name it, 3-D-Blue Print.

To Perform a Proper Golf Swing is Easy

With our new online golf instruction videos system we give each student the chance to learn with a structure. The new architecture of our online training has a step by step learning system. Every part of the swing is presented with a video explanation. Additionally to the swing instruction videos, we show videos on how to learn each motion. We call this Motor Control related to swing biomechanics. Other videos show the medical advantage as well as the competition advantage in relation to the traditional swing style for each swing phase.

Our system with its video explanations is the pre condition for a repetitive, accurate golf swing, each time, for beginners and elite Golfers, alike. The speed of learning is unbelievable because if you know what´s to do – you can do what you want.

Finally we wish you fun, success and awakening that with this system you follow a proper golf swing that has the unique quality of spending time with the best sport in the world, and promoting your health.

We’re happy to answer all your questions:

by United Golfers Corp.

The best way to contact us is via our contact form.


Here you can quickly find the most important information about our step-by-step online instruction program:



For our Team golf is not just a sport – it is a passion and a lifestyle!
Our team will do everything in their power to find the easiest way for all golfers to accelerate their training success, in order to be able to play healthier and longer, at the same time. The years of experience in the specialized areas of the individual members of the scientific team is the secret of success of the perfect training method. You will love this training, enjoy the training success and have fun with the game!