How do You Learn Golf With ConsistencyGolfSwing?

Are You Able to Describe Your Golf Swing?

Why is it so difficult to learn golf? Golf has been taught in the past without a specific method and without structure. We say trial & error. Students do not get a chance to describe the approach that they learned, even after years of teaching. This finding is the result of a study that was conducted on “Written Golf Knowledge” with 1050 Golfers. This study also proved that golfers have never received a written description of what they should be doing, concerning their golf swing, from their coaches.

Golf is a Precision Sport

Golf is not only a goal sport, but also a precision sport. They have very little space on the club face to hit the ball perfectly. Precision cannot achieve good results with featureless, rough biomechanics and without balance. It is clear to everyone that in a system with wrong didactics golfers mishit the ball about 74% of the time. Golf has been taught to be a system that is well-suited for many other low-volume sports.

This is what makes the online portal so important.


What is the fastest, easiest and most understandable way to learn golf?

We at Consistency Golf Swing learn golf with precise, written data, step-by-step. You will receive a short, easy-to-understand video for each part of your movement. You will learn each movement part step-by-step. Motor-based training supports your learning progress, no training program has yet had an instinct for the extensive golfing movement. Our Online golf instruction learning portal is structured in such a way that you will also receive the motor exercises via video in parallel with each partial movement.

A Perfect Golf Mental Training that Really Works

In addition, each member of our online golf instruction portal receives an email with the written step-by-step description of the swing. You should read aloud this once a day, read it quietly once a day and then visualize once a day this momentum description with the “brain programming techniques” according to Prof. Dr. med. Hans Ebersprächer. Through the precise description of movement and the accompanying video, they are able to imagine every movement in their mind’s eye.

During the first 3 days of this training you should repeat these very simple mental techniques in the morning and in the evening, and for the first 3 days you will have to give up your golf game so that your brain can chronologically record the information at night, while you sleep.

Learn Golf With CGS And Your Golf Training Will Start to Make Sense

The continuous learning progress begins. Every training will start to make sense. For the first time, you will train not only on the driving range, but also at home on the sofa or in the office during your lunch break.

Do not make it as hard as tour players. What they do is unbelievable and frankly, far too expensive, d. H. There are too many partial movements and imbalance. These type of biomechanics with lateral shearing is still considered to be harmful to your health. Make it as easy as possible. Do not waste your valuable training time. Get the best possible performance with new biomechanics for you. Learn in a structured way.

You can already learn as a Golf Member for $ 59 a year or a little less than 17 cents a day.

Take advantage of know-how and Become a Member .


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by United Golfers Corp.

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Here you can quickly find the most important information about our step-by-step online instruction program:



For our Team golf is not just a sport – it is a passion and a lifestyle!
Our team will do everything in their power to find the easiest way for all golfers to accelerate their training success, in order to be able to play healthier and longer, at the same time. The years of experience in the specialized areas of the individual members of the scientific team is the secret of success of the perfect training method. You will love this training, enjoy the training success and have fun with the game!

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