How to Create a Repeatable Golf Swing?

All golfers are looking for a repeatable golf swing, but how do they achieve this. If you know the rules to create a repeatable golf swing, it becomes much easier than you may think. Because of this, I want to talk about why the new Core-Balance FREE-RELEASE-Method by ConsistencyGolfswing significantly improves your repeatability, consistency and precision?

Golf has many small partial movements. A golfer’s brain must be able to handle these partial movements. This requires a detailed step-by-step movement guide, with clear information on how, when, and to what extent and where golfers of all levels, have to move. This is exactly what the Core-Balance FREE-RELEASE-Method offers. As a result, your head will become the control center. This training is called partial method learning.

Get a Repeatable Golf Swing with the Best Golf Mental Training

By reading our written motion instruction quietly, and then reading it once aloud, you will be able to program your brain like a computer. The third step of this golf mental training process consists of the visualization of the individual phases in your mind’s eye.

Repeat this exercise for the first 3 days in the morning and in the evening.  Then once a day on the following days. Finally, while you sleep at night, this learning process will be processed virtually and strengthened as you sleep.

Motor Control Training for a Repeatable Golf Swing

In our Step-by-Step training for a repeatable golf swing, which is available to you as a member of, you will also receive motor control training to support these exercises.

Through our exact movement plan, you can imagine these movements very fast and very precisely with closed eyes. We combine in this movement plan with motor control exercises. After a few days, you will only have to remember three to four golf points during the swing. The rest of the movement will be programmed into your head and sent from the head to the body via the nerves.

Start With Your Continuous Learning Process

You will know what you have to do, when to do it and how far to do it. A continuous learning process, as well as mental safety will eventually set in. Every workout on the driving range will start to make sense. Additionally, you won‘t waste time anymore and your learning process will be accelerated by “light years”.

Golf is a Complex Sport

All complex sports, as in sports such as gymnastics, pole vault and for example figure skating are sports with many precisely defined partial movements, where the athletes train very successfully with this semi-methodical system. The goal is to implement 100% quality.

The industry is also very successful in producing tools according to this system. uses this exact knowledge, which also our scientific expert L. Bird uses in sports science, sports-psychlogy and neurocognition.

We are changing the art of learning from trial and error didactics to partially methodical learning. We also call this system 3-D neurocognition.

Ultimately, your bonus here is: this learning system is much easier and more effective than using trial & error for complex moves like the golf swing. This is especially important for achieving a repeatable golf swing.

Avoid Nonsensical Movements

Our training method has up to over 31 partial movements less. Thus, they can make fewer mistakes through the upgrade method alone, and the entirety of the movement becomes much easier. In addition, your body feels that this path does not contain harmful biomechanics, it actually motivates them.

If your head can send precise commands to the body, because they have previously trained them, then this pathway will greatly increase the repeatability of movements and explicitly, your game constancy. Nonsensical movements, moreover, are avoided. Mentally, they will become etched in your mind.

The repeatability average of 26% for recreational golfers and consequently 63% for competitive golfers can be broken quickly. In any case with much less effort using our methods. The goal is 100%, we are highly satisfied when both groups achieve repeatability of 75%.

ConsistencyGolfSwing and Core-Balance FREE-RELEASE Method

The online golf instruction System is also supported by the Core-Balance FREE-RELEASE method developed by, Frank Drollinger. This method changes from an imbalance system, that results in  blocked muscles and joints to a core balance system with a stable body and center of gravity. Core-Balance system is used very successfully in other target sports such as archery or shooting. Why should we not use it in golf? allows you to train to create an easier, repeatable golf swing, which is in principle what all golfers are looking for.

Recommended Pages:

How you learn golf with Consistency Golf Swing

Consistency Golf Swing Website

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by United Golfers Corp.

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For our Team golf is not just a sport – it is a passion and a lifestyle!
Our team will do everything in their power to find the easiest way for all golfers to accelerate their training success, in order to be able to play healthier and longer, at the same time. The years of experience in the specialized areas of the individual members of the scientific team is the secret of success of the perfect training method. You will love this training, enjoy the training success and have fun with the game!

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