Easy Golf Swing – Why we Are Different at Consistency Golf Swing

Frustrated, unsuccessful and often injured golf students are proof that the traditional golf didactics and golf method, golfers use has failed to teach golfers how to a complete swing. This is a long step away from an easy golf swing.

First of all it is not the students, nor the teachers fault, but a direct result of the inappropriate trial & error golf didactics and the unstructured, incomprehensible golf swing method.

Our globally recognized and prestigious research has shown that golfers do not know the name of the method they are supposed to implement nor have they never received a written guidebook to perform an easy golf swing.

Stop Your Frustration in Golf

Even after years of regular golf lessons, golfers can‘t describe their golf swing, step-by-step, according to this trial & error didactic. As a result the head, the high-performance control center, of every golfer in unable to send precise commands for the many partial movements of your swing to the nerves and muscles.

As a result, golfers commit mishits about 74% of the time. No wonder so many golfers are frustrated by their lack of success.

What do we do Differently at Our Online Golf Instruction Learning Portal ConstistencyGolfSwing.com?

We have developed a new, much simpler, written golf swing method. The method is new because we have developed a stable core balance from an unstable lot axis pendulum. Almost all target, high speed, power and precision sports use this kind of Core Balance System.

Compared to unstructured, incomprehensible golf didactics, in which each student is taught something different, we follow the same plan, every time. As in all other sports with many partial movements, we use a written and easy to understand step-by-step basic system of movement.

Optimizing your range of motion by changing from imbalance to core balance, from instability to stability. It will become much easier to implement and learn.

The student will receive easy-to-understand videos in our online golf teaching system, for each sub-phase of the movement. In addition, there are motor exercises, so that the body can learn these partial movements precisely.

Start Your Continuous Learning Process

With this perfect golf teaching system a continuous learning process begins. Every training will make sense. Rising from frustration and lack of success, you will gain inner satisfaction and success.

Most noteworthy is that the orthopedist MD med. Dietmar Göbel has examined this method in a scientific publication and also found no partial movements, which would prohibit the student, from a health point of view.

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Consistency Golf Swing Website

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by United Golfers Corp.
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For our Team golf is not just a sport – it is a passion and a lifestyle!
Our team will do everything in their power to find the easiest way for all golfers to accelerate their training success, in order to be able to play healthier and longer, at the same time. The years of experience in the specialized areas of the individual members of the scientific team is the secret of success of the perfect training method. You will love this training, enjoy the training success and have fun with the game!