A Unique Online Golf Instruction Portal Which is Different

What Exactly is The Online Portal Consistency Golf Swing .com?

The online golf instruction portal Consistency Golf Swing enables you, for the first time, to learn golf in a structured learning environment. Structured means that the student will receive a clear description of the movement, therefore they will learn where they have to move, how they have to move and additionally, to what extent they should move in.

Scientifically Proven and Published in Orthopedic Expert Magazine

This method is the world’s only known method, which notably is scientifically is published in the orthopedic expert magazine OUP of the German Physician Publisher, and additionally is considered to be free from harmful biomechanics. This is the highest quality of standard that anyone can offer for golfers.

A Perfect Step-by-Step 3-D Blueprint for Your Golf Swing

The second big difference is that our method is defined in writing. step-by-step. It is also written in an 3-d blueprint form.

Each partial movement has standardized coordinates due to this reason. We also use individual coordinates, specifically tailored to the individual student, but the concept of these coordinates and the meaning are the same. These partial movements have, indeed, been built up vertically, and step-by-step, in our online learning program. Therefore everything is very easy to understand.

Motor Exercise for Better Performance With Consistency Golf Swing

Parallel to the partial methodical swing training, you will also find motor learning videos.

Golf Mental Techniques to Program Your Golf Swing

We also use the simplest techniques to program the movements to your brain. We call this neurocognition. The brain will become the control center. After a few days, you additionally only have to think of 3 to 4 main points in your momentum. The rest of the movement, hence, is sent like a reflex from the brain to the nerves and muscles.

Change to Real Core Balance

Another benefit is that we changed imbalance, which led to the end of the backswing blocking muscles and joints, to real core balance. This consequently has the advantage that your muscles will no longer be blocked.

Better Repeatability And Precision

For the first time ever, we offer no harmful biomechanics, as well as more power and the highest possible rate of repeatability and precision as well as a partially methodical learning concept, according to how all complex sports work. With the improved precision, you are to place your golf-balls closer to the flag. Only those who are close to the flag ultimately increase the likelihood that they will put in the ball with fewer putts.

The entirety of the swing motion will become much easier with our Core Balance Free-Release method, as we were able to eliminate up to 31 partial movements compared to the old imbalance technique. Everything becomes easier and, above all, much more understandable.

Through this program you will be able to know, for the first time in your golf-life what you are supposed to do. In addition, you will experience mental safety.

Mental Safety with Consistency Golf Swing

For every handicap class, you can easily learn from your sofa. Do not make it as hard as the tour players. They spend up to 10 hours per day adjusting their bodies to extremely complicated and unstructured biomechanics. Put your mind to it. Fort this reason take advantage of our know-how.

Become a member of the online golf instruction portal consistencygolfswing.com here.

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Consistency Golf Swing Website

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by United Golfers Corp.
@: service@consistencygolfswing.com

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For our Team golf is not just a sport – it is a passion and a lifestyle!
Our team will do everything in their power to find the easiest way for all golfers to accelerate their training success, in order to be able to play healthier and longer, at the same time. The years of experience in the specialized areas of the individual members of the scientific team is the secret of success of the perfect training method. You will love this training, enjoy the training success and have fun with the game!

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