Why Golf is so difficult?

Golf is known as one of the most difficult sports but why is it so hard to play golf?

Golf is so difficult, but why? 95% of new golfers stop playing golf in the first 3 years. From this groups almost 100% withdrawl rate, you can see the how difficult the sport can become when golfers are unsure how to play it correctly.

I am not known in any field of education as a golf failure, we must look at the old imbalanced method, at this point, as a total failure of this golfing method and golfing theory.

New golfers aren’t the only ones suffering from this. There are no golf courses that feel the need to break away from technically outdated structures to ensure the success of their business.

Main Reason why Golf is so Difficult

The main reason why golf is so difficult is that holistic didactics that are unsuitable for the complex golf movement. That means it is an unstructured and a script-less golf swing method. No student has the chance to have a clear view of what they are doing. This structureless golf instruction method is what makes golf so difficult.

Golf is so Difficult – Everybody is Looking for a Solution

The Core-Balance Free-Release Method is the solution to turn the unstructured, opaque, and navigational motion theory into a written, structured step-by-step learning system.

Also, trial and error didactics, which are unsuitable for complex didactics, will be replaced by partial methodological learning suitable for complex sports such as golf.

A much easier and more continuous learning process will start to begin. Every workout will start to make sense. No more wasting time. No more pointless money spent. Students can quickly analyze themselves and become a nearly a competent co-trainer. Only when a student knows what to do, can they do what they want.

Finally, this core balance Method is also a solution for beginners. Frustrated golfers, golfers looking for solutions, and also top golfers will be able to improve their competitiveness and their success.

Success Guarantees Fun

Anyone who succeeds is also having fun. Nothing is more fun than successfully implementing a structured golf swing. Failures that come with an average of over 74% of mishits that come with the old teaching structure, cannot be fun.

Approximately 3 million newcomers to the golf course worldwide become members of a golf club every year. 95% of these new golfers stop again playing the beautiful sport soon after.

Frustration, lack of success and pain because of golf injuries are the main problems as to why the game becomes less fun for newcomers. We find that the cause for this is a much too heavy, unstructured and script less learning method. The brain of new golfers is overwhelmed by this inappropriate learning path. Mental stress and fear of failure are two of the many side effects that aren’t commonly spoken about among the golfing community.

A Representative Survey Shows the Reason Why Golf is so Difficult

Golf is so difficult but the sport of golf could be that attractive. There are many nice places and clubhouses. Newcomers are becoming frustrated after many hours of lessons. The error rate of bad hits from golf beginners is at an average of over 90% and it gets only slightly better over time.

Our written and representative survey of more than 1050 golfers has shown that even after years of golfing, golfers were unable to describe their golf swing. There is an empty vacuum in the golfer’s brain. Golfers, however, are well educated. This means the education and intelligence of the golfer is not the problem! They are very smart.

Our studies on hip-mobility and joint-mobility with this same group of golfers has also shown that the problem cannot be found here unless the golfers muscles and joints are blocked by imbalance and a stand width that is too wide.

Golfers Want Repeatability

Why are golfers so frustrated, disappointed and annoyed? Why do 95% of new golfers stop playing the sport after a few months? What’s wrong with golf?

Through our research, we asked golfers in writing about their needs. What are you looking for when they participate a training course with Frank Drollinger, the inventor of the Core-Balance Free-Release method?

The answers did not baffle us. Golfers want repeatability. They, simply, want the ball to stay on the fairway. Top results are often one of the most common wishes. At the top of the wish list is that, golfers want to reduce their high percentages of mishits.

People want to have fun in their free time while also actively promoting their health. You can only have fun playing golf if you hit the ball so that it stays on the fairway.

Start to Program Your Brain with the Perfect Golf Swing

The ball can only be hit well, provided that the golfer‘s head, or the control center, is programmed so that the nerves and thus the muscles get a defined run of command, which the ball with a Tolleranz of + – 1.5 ° in Clubhead hits. When this occurs, the ball will stay on the fairway or on the green.

This is exactly what new golfers want. It is their dearest wish. Precision is more important to them than a Golden Clock for Christmas. Customer needs must be placed in the focus of all of our actions.

For this reason, for the first time we offer golfers of all levels a partially methodical learning structure. A Step-by-Step Training System. Instead of muscle and joint-blocking imbalance we offer core balance and thus highly motile muscles and joints.

Instead of trial and error didactics, we offer head-nerve-muscle motion control.

A Golf Instruction Which is Simple

Instead of a pivotal golf swing, we offer a method free of so-called contraindications, which are unhealthy movements that every orthopedist would urge his patients to stop doing.

Golfers are having fun with our method, even though golf is so difficult, they stay in the golf sport. The golfers themselves is our number 1 focus. We serve their needs for structured golf lessons. Simple and yet precise, comprehensible and logical. Every training will make sense. A continuous learning process will begin.

Only golfers who know what they are supposed to do, can have fun on the golf course. This is just as important for beginners as it is for top athletes.

Become a member of www.consistencygolfswing.com and find out how simple a structured way of golf instruction can be.

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Consistency Golf Swing Website

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by United Golfers Corp.
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For our Team golf is not just a sport – it is a passion and a lifestyle!
Our team will do everything in their power to find the easiest way for all golfers to accelerate their training success, in order to be able to play healthier and longer, at the same time. The years of experience in the specialized areas of the individual members of the scientific team is the secret of success of the perfect training method. You will love this training, enjoy the training success and have fun with the game!

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