Professional Golfers as Role Models

Are Professional Golfers the Right Role Models for Weekend Golfers?

We all want to hit our golf shot as professional golfers do. We are very quick to look at the pro players as   role models and we want to achieve the same performance results as them with less effort. Should we truly be looking at the golf swing of professional golfers as our ideal swing model?

Should the golf swings and their golf biomechanics of Tour players really be a role model for us weekend golfers? posted that the swing transformation of Dustin Johnson is so complicated that it is it can be considered its own kind of art, as far as a golf swing is concerned. They are 100% right about this because his swing biomechanics include up to 31 partial unnecessary movements in the golf swing, way too many. That means that this amount of partial movements, is way too tricky for golfers to have to work through.

Imbalance at the end of the backswing, which means that your body weight is on the heel of the right foot, which blocks the calf and femur muscles, as well as the ankle, knee and hip joints. Because of this perpendicular axis pendulum, additionally, the rotation of the left forearm during the backswing and downswing, makes the chance that you will hit the ball properly extremely difficult.

Professional Golfers are Golf Artists

We admire Tour Players like Dustin Johnson, because they are able to perform the way that they do. We understand why they still don´t change to a much easier swing system. For the first time an advanced education for the new and easier swing method for their instructors will be held in 2019.

Extremely difficult and unhealthy golf swing biomechanics, such as mentioned before, are the reason why weekend golfers perform mishits, on average of 74%.

Weekend golfers don’t get the chance to describe, what part of their body they should move, when to move it, how far to move it, why they should be moving it and in which direction they should move it in.

Smart Golfers Deserve a Structured Golf Swing System, that is Easy and Fast to Learn.

The majority of golf students have never received a written 3D blueprint on their golf swing method. Without any structure they are left in the dark, as to why they swing the way that they do. Nothing in their movement sequences is controlled, everything happens by coincidence.

We at Consistency Golf Swing with our new golf instruction training system are the solution, that promotes a golf swing that is healthy for your muscles, discs and joints. This new System gives all information on what exactly students are supposed to do. Every student will receive a written 3D blueprint, personalized by the golf method developer.

Create a Better, More Healthy and Consistent Golf Swing with a Perfect 3D Blueprint

Our golf instruction training system eliminates up to 31 partial movements of the golf swing. This “swing optimization” of the golf swing biomechanics makes it possible to create a better, more healthy and consistent swing. With our 3D blueprint your golf swing movement will become light years simpler.

For this reason we offer our golf instruction program with a perfect 3D blueprint at our golf training website With this Golf Training System students will have the chance to learn each part of the swing through step-by-step golf videos. A continuous learning process will start. Every training will make sense. You will never feel like you are wasting your time.

We recommend to use these advantages, which promotes your performance repeatability, power and consistency in your golf game. A 3D blueprint in golf is undoubtedly necessary to get a consistent golf swing. This 3D blueprint is a part of the best golf mental training program that you will ever be a part of.

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For our Team golf is not just a sport – it is a passion and a lifestyle!
Our team will do everything in their power to find the easiest way for all golfers to accelerate their training success, in order to be able to play healthier and longer, at the same time. The years of experience in the specialized areas of the individual members of the scientific team is the secret of success of the perfect training method. You will love this training, enjoy the training success and have fun with the game!

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