Golf Courses Closing

For years, we have observed more and more golf courses closing. At the same time, more golf courses close than open. For that reason, the number of golf courses will reduce. In short, there is a significant reduction in the golf courses. But how can we prevent golf courses from closing?

There is research that predicts that up to 70% of golf courses will be closed by 2029.

How Can We Stop this Negative Trend, that Golf Courses Closing?

We say that the only way to stop this negative trend is to retrain golfers with an easy to follow structured methodology which protects your health at the same time.

I have developed a partial methodical didactics system, a step-by-step golf instruction program, to easily solve easily the problems that golfers have. I developed this step-by-step golf instruction system for the beautiful game of golf to win schools, new target groups, new members, young families with children, but also groups of 50+. The key to gaining new golf members instead of losing them will be to promote really healthy golfing, and having a training program that will help golfers to progress quickly. Undoubtedly the only chance to avoid the horror scenario, of 70% of golf courses dying. Health is at the forefront of what we should be focusing on. For that reason, we need to rethink about the whole golf training offer on the Golf courses.

How do these Catastrophic Forecasts Come About?

The reasons for these forecasts are that one extrapolates the current age structure of the current golfer, and places this in relation to the economic minimum of existence, necessary for the management of a golf course. In effect, a plausible prognosis.

How to Win 75 New Members Every Year?

First of all, the goal must be, through my exclusive method and my didactic golf training offer, to attract 75 new members every year.

Secondly the goal must be to retain 80% of these new members in the sport for a long-term.

In either case this is only possible if the golf student, on one hand, promotes their health, through a golf biomechanics that does not cause joints, intervertebral discs and ligaments damage. The second important point is to give the golfing student, a structured, comprehensible and written golf biomechanics, which is easy to follow and to train them in a partial methodically way, which means step-by-step. Apart from the Core-Balance FREE-RELEASE method I developed, I know of no other solution that offers these quality features.

It is therefore high time to act

We can’t hesitate to act now, nor we cannot afford to lose time. Managers and club directors who are not responding now will wake up with dramatic business issues.

Time to stick together and act together for saving the golf courses.

We are at the point where we should only be with each other, and not against each other. Golfers from yesteryear, who hold on to old structures, usually have no business responsibility for the preservation of a golf course.

We’re all sitting in the same boat, thus must act now, before it is too late.

Many greetings,
Frank Drollinger

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by United Golfers Corp.

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For our Team golf is not just a sport – it is a passion and a lifestyle!
Our team will do everything in their power to find the easiest way for all golfers to accelerate their training success, in order to be able to play healthier and longer, at the same time. The years of experience in the specialized areas of the individual members of the scientific team is the secret of success of the perfect training method. You will love this training, enjoy the training success and have fun with the game!