Golf Tips for Set-Up: Distance Control to the Grip

Motor Control Exercises to Control your Set-Up Posture

Everybody wants to gain more consistency. Consistency starts at your set-up posture. If you consistently control your set-up posture you will gain more consistency. The distance control to the grip is one of the most important point for your set-up posture. Control your distance to your grip in every single golf swing, to make sure every golf swing will start consistently with the same starting position. This means you also start to program your mind for your golf swing starting position.

How to Control the Distance to the End of the Grip?

This motor exercise con help you to train this very easily. If you place your hand onto your thigh with your outstretched arm, go slowly down with your hand until you feel the beginning of your knee. Make sure your spine is straight while bending your upper body. When you feel the beginning of your knees with your fingers, bend your wrist inwards. You will see your palm will be exactly in the middle of your thigh.

With your arm outstretched place your palm in the middle of your thigh, to measure how far the grip should be from your thigh. The distance between your thigh and the end of your grip should be no more than a hand wide and not less.

Great, you´ve done a good job and you can make sure you get the same starting position for every golf swing.

Try it out, it works perfect.

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