How to Gain More Consistency in the Golf Swing?

Does Consistency not Exist in Golf?

Have you heard words, like “Consistency does not exist in golf. Golf is an inconsistent game, it’s different every day, with every hole, and every swing”. I´m sure you have, and if so, then this video will interest you. If golf instructors tell you these mentioned platitudes, they showcase their own lack of qualification to teach consistency. For one thing you will be happy about to hear that an inconsistent game has nothing to do with yourself.

How Can We Measure Consistency in Golf?

DA and GIR, which means hitting the ball onto the fairway and onto the green, are indexes to measure consistency in golf. In effect, golfers have to process a lot of mishits of around an average of +-74%. Why is this number so large? The average number of mishits is so large because golfers never haven’t had a chance to describe their swing according to a 3D blueprint. They never received a 3D blueprint and are taught to play golf in a style of an unstructured imbalance method, to play golf. This is a big problem maintaining consistency in golf.

Survey Confirms this Situation

Our written and representative survey gave us the result that students are unable to describe their swing according to a written 3D blueprint. This means they they don´t know their timing, when and how far to move, and they don‘t have a chance to know which direction they are supposed to move in.

In This Case it is Neither a Fault of the Students Nor a Fault of the Instructors.

Up to now, none of the responsible people in the golf game demanded minimum quality standards, such as a structured and easy to follow golf swing method.

What Are we Doing Different to Improve Consistency in the Golf Swing?

Firstly,  we use ever a 3D blueprint. Secondly, we changed the key principle of the golf swing movement, we changed it from imbalance to a stable core-balance. Thirdly we work with students with motor control exercises to each swing phase and finally, we use 3D neurocognition to improve the numbers of mishits.

With this overall system we are able to offer to Tour Players the chance to reach an average of >= 80 % in DA and GIR. Tour Players currently average mishits of around +- 37% instead of 74% at weekend golfers average. Shortly, there will be tour players as well as weekend golfers, who breach this average index to zero % mis-hits. There is a name for the solution:


Core-Balance FREE-RELEASE and Golf-Mental 4.0 Fusion by 3D Neuro-Cognition.

And the cherry on top of Consistency Golf Swing with its Core-Balance FREE-RELEASE Method:

This golf instruction training system is rated as joint and lower back friendly.

Find more information or to become a member now.

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by United Golfers Corp.

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For our Team golf is not just a sport – it is a passion and a lifestyle!
Our team will do everything in their power to find the easiest way for all golfers to accelerate their training success, in order to be able to play healthier and longer, at the same time. The years of experience in the specialized areas of the individual members of the scientific team is the secret of success of the perfect training method. You will love this training, enjoy the training success and have fun with the game!

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