Performance Benefits of Consistency Golf Swing

What are the Performance Benefits Using our Online Golf Instruction System Instead of Others 

To understand the performance benefits we need to compare the swing methods and their key principles. If we compare the common golf swing method, based on imbalance, with my CORE-BALANCE FREE-RELEASE-Method , it is important that we first separate the key principles. We call the method based on imbalance the old golf swing method. We call it old, because of so many outdated parts like the Body Weight Transfer, Hypermobile Center of Pressure, Hypermobile Center of Mass, Hypermobile Center of Head, Hypermobile Vertical Force. All of these parts of the Imbalance Method result in long line of pressure, instability, because of the weight transfer blocks 700 Watt of power in your leg muscles. There is no written swing structure, no 3D coordinates, which is totally different to our Core-Balance Method.

Core-Balance to Gain Performance Benefits

Of course, there are numerous variations of the common imbalance swing style. For example, some golf professionals bend their knees during the down swing. Others transfer a lot of energy when moving their axis pendulum. Even others bend their left wrist backwards, however all of these different swing styles can be described with lateral lines of pressure, which is imbalance.

My CORE-BALANCE FREE-RELEASE swing method has CORE as its key principle, also known as real balance. I changed the timing and vectors which means you will have an exact description of where to move in and the timing of the moves.

Powerful Muscles for Huge Performance Benefits

To transfer real balance at the end of the back swing is the most important goal. The benefit of real balance at the end of the back swing is to have powerful muscles that are able to guide your hips towards the target, first. We can talk about synchronizing the rotational swing axis. There is no anatomical resistance. As a result, we can gain more power, more distance, more club head speed as well as more ball speed. These are huge performance benefits for your golf swing.

Program your Brain for the Best Performance Advantages

The other huge performance advantage is the didactic. We learn a perfect golf swing biomechanics, based on a written 3D guide book by programming this step-by-step structure inside the brain. This is the precondition for a perfect brain-muscle-communication. That’s really unique and enables repeatability of golf swing biomechanics and consistency in the golf swing. With this system you will gain mental confidence for a consistent golf swing.

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For our Team golf is not just a sport – it is a passion and a lifestyle!
Our team will do everything in their power to find the easiest way for all golfers to accelerate their training success, in order to be able to play healthier and longer, at the same time. The years of experience in the specialized areas of the individual members of the scientific team is the secret of success of the perfect training method. You will love this training, enjoy the training success and have fun with the game!