Golf Instruction: Best Mental Golf Technique

How to Improve Your Mental Golf Game

Everyone wants to improve their mental golf game. There are many mental golfing tips and many mental golf techniques that unfortunately do not often really get us anywhere. Almost all mental golf tips always sound great, but they only work sometimes. Is that the same with you? If you know that, then we will explain why this is so, and what solution there is to choose the right golf mental technique.

Learn Golf Like Learning the Piano

Learning the piano is a complicated matter, just like the golf swing. It is taught in a partial method system. So, it has a precise 3D-inner-navigation. Therefore it is an excellent example of how 3D-neurocognition is used. Only +- 5 students learn piano by feeling alone. All other 50,000,000 students learn piano from their well-educated instructors with a partial method learning system with accurate, printed piano sheets. Why do they learn in this way?

How can we Compare this Training Method with the Training of Golf?

Your need to know that our Core-Balance FREE-RELEASE Method follows a step-by-step golf instruction learning system. Students receive as well a written 3D blueprint, and they learn mental techniques to transfer it into a 3D inner navigation system, where the brain controls the muscles by using a code.

With a partial method learning system, such as learning piano, a continuous learning process starts. From now every training makes sense. You will stop wasting time and money.

Perfect Golf Mental Technique

We use mental techniques published by our former speaker Prof. Dr. Hans Eberspächer, to install my 3D code inside your brain, similar to a software program on a computer. After 2 or 3 days you will be able to describe your swing step-by-step.

You will learn to understand what you have to do, how far you have to move and in which direction you need to move in. You will quickly understand why this kind of partial movement will be much better for your health, and why a kind of an unstructured and rough golf biomechanics hurts you.

Gain Mental Confidence

You will gain mental confidence when you have additionally a written 3D guidebook, assisting you throughout each phase of your golf swing. For that reason you will become sure about your golf swing. After all, you will know the first time in your golf career what you when are supposed to do in which order!

Repeatability and Consistency Means More Fun

You want to have repeatability, consistency, and most of all, fun. You don‘t want to mishit the ball 90% of the time and you definitely want it to land in the fairway and on the green more often in regulation.

After a few months, you will work on the next steps for improvement. You will center your driving accuracy and green accuracy with the Core-Balance FREE-RELEASE method. You will have so much fun that you won‘t be able to wait to visit the golf course and training facilities.

Consistency, success, and fun will become your motivation.

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For our Team golf is not just a sport – it is a passion and a lifestyle!
Our team will do everything in their power to find the easiest way for all golfers to accelerate their training success, in order to be able to play healthier and longer, at the same time. The years of experience in the specialized areas of the individual members of the scientific team is the secret of success of the perfect training method. You will love this training, enjoy the training success and have fun with the game!

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