Golf Injuries: Shoulder Capsule

One of the most common golf injuries is shoulder pain. In our video series with MD Dr. Philipp Heuberer we will discuss shoulder pain and shoulder injuries in golf, one of the most common golf injuries.

The shoulder joint has a very loose joint capsule known as the articular capsule of the humerus and this can sometimes allow the shoulder to dislocate. The long head of the biceps brachii muscle travels inside the capsule from its attachment to the supraglenoid tubercle of the scapula.

A rotator cuff injury occurs when tendons and/or muscles tear and cause pain. A powerful golf swing, or falling hard on an outstretched arm are examples of movements that can cause a rotator cuff tear.

Other causes of shoulder pain include several forms of arthritis, torn cartilage, or a torn rotator cuff. Swelling of the bursa sacs (which protect the shoulder) or tendons can also cause pain. An injury due to overuse or repetitive use can cause injury.

What can you do to avoid shoulder injuries in golf?

Shoulder injuries and shoulder pain will interrupt your golf swing, you will lose power, distance, precision and consistency. Therefore, our research team looked for solutions to avoid shoulder problems which lead to stiffness and loss of motion.

What can you do to avoid shoulder injuries and you don´t want to quit?

Consistency Golf Swing will give you all of the necessary information on how you can reduce all these negative contraindications that will damage your body during the golf swing.

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Our team will do everything in their power to find the easiest way for all golfers to accelerate their training success, in order to be able to play healthier and longer, at the same time. This means the years of experience in the specialized areas of the individual members of the scientific team is the secret of success of the perfect training method. In any case, you will love this training, enjoy the training success and have fun with the game!