The most important development in the 700-year history of golf: The golf swing can be healthy.

2nd Scientific publication confirms the health effects of the Core Balance Free Release Method.

The Core Balance Free Release method developed in Pforzheim is considered to be extremely healthy for golfers.

Orthopedist and Trauma Surgeon Dr. Dietmar Göbel and Scientific Director for the training of doctors for the Golf Medical Coach, is pleased to publish his second scientific specialist paper on “Golf & Health”.

Dr. Göbel in his clinical research,  has succeeded in biomechanically comparing and anatomically assessing the two golf methods available on the market, the unstructured imbalance and the comprehensible Core Balance Free Release method.

Result of his publication:

The Imbalance method has too many noxious movements and the Core Balance Free Release method has eliminated all of these noxious movements.

For golf, this is the most important development and realization in its more than seven hundred years of history.

The second scientific publication by MD Dr. Dietmar Göbel from Donaueschingen took place in the Thieme Connect publishing house and in the “Sport Medicine International Open”.

In a time when golf course owners are struggling with dwindling numbers and are often struggling to survive, this new German method allows them to address a whole new target group that has “living healthy for longer” into a life motto.

The game of golf has since been played by this well-informed very large group of sports interested people because of this harmful, unfortunately correct branding, no matter.

“No rational-minded person wants to harm their health in their free time.” Says the orthopedist and vice-president of AGA, Europe’s largest group of joint experts, Dr. med. Philipp Heuberer from Austria, who, like the editor of Göbel’s scientific studies, Prof. Dr. med. Werner Siebert from Germany and Prof. Dr. med. Moacir Marocolo from Brazil, confirm the accuracy of the technical publications.

The megatrend “I want to promote my health in my free time”, which helps other sports such as fitness, hiking or cycling to maintain sustainable growth, takes account of this new Core Balance Free Release method for the first time in the history of golf.

The method developer Frank Drollinger is particularly pleased with this quality confirmation of his structured kinematics: “The most important development in the seven-hundred-year history of golf will give golf a new image in the population and above all protect the health of children, adults and performance golfers and promote. „

The Core Balance Free Release Method

was developed by Frank Drollinger and published in the book Golf: The New Testament. The conventional golf theory is characterized by the fact that it is unstructured, script less, follows the core principle Imbalance and is considered to harm joints and discs. Even after years, golfers cannot understand or even describe the content of their lessons in a workplan quality. The Core Balance Free Release method is structured, d. H. Each student receives a written exercise plan that follows the core principle of the Core Balance as all target sports and is the only golf learning method in the world that has been rated in scientific publications as joint, intervertebral disc and belt friendly. Drollinger’s method also meets the requirements for a fast learning process and the highest possible repeatability of movement tasks. These have been developed by the sports scientist Prof. Dr. med. Hans Eberspächer, and were set up for sports with many partial movements. Thanks to the Core Core Balance principle, the method developer was able to eliminate up to 31 partial movements and thus simplify the movement process even more. Since opposing motional forces could be synchronized, the Core Balance Free Release method physically enables the highest possible ball speed and power.

Dr. med. Dietmar Göbel

Maintains an orthopedic specialist practice in Donaueschingen and is considered worldwide as the expert when it comes to distinguishing golf anatomy, anatomically evaluate and biomechanically functional solutions to prevent but also to prevent re-injury and to extend the life of artificial joint replacement.

Göbel is Scientific Director of the Federal Teaching Team for Medical Education for Golf Medical Coach CBFRM

Press Queries / Pictures / Interview requests

Interview partner: MD Dr. med. Dietmar Göbel, Frank Drollinger, MD Dr. Philipp Heuberer, MD Dr. Urs Summermatter, MD Dr. Martin Draxler, MD Dr. Christof Bosch

Bastian Uhlending, Press Officer, Tel: +49 (7235) 980300

6 Responses

  1. Axes of Rotation at Ball Impact | CONSISTENCY GOLF SWING

    […] Also, if you look at the numerous wrist, elbow and shoulder injuries, you find that the reason for this is having angles of attack that are too steep and no definition of a pelvis-spine-angle and head position. Core Balance Free Release is the solution for this problem. […]

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