Perform Your Perfect Backswing

Why should your backswing be optimized and why it gives you competition advantages?

The backswing of the 300-year-old unstructured, pathogenic method based on imbalance, starts with moving your hands and the club head to the right. The pelvis which moves also to the right determines the direction where the club head and the hands have to move during the backswing.

Weight Shift in Your Backswing

As mentioned in one of our previous videos, in this position of the backswing, you will transfer your body weight to the right and in turn, block your calve and femur muscles with this movement. A double rotation of the left forearm is a result of this move.

Optimize the Timing of Your Backswing

This is the most complicated and difficult swing phase of the traditional swing method based on imbalance. We changed this by using other timing and movement vectors in the backswing. In our backswing we do not start to move with the hand and the club head. We optimize the timing of the right hip rotation and the vector of the hip and shoulder rotation. Your left arm has now enough space in your backswing. If you have enough space it is unnecessary to double rotate the left arm. This makes it simpler to stretch the left arm.

Optimize Your Backswing

Our goal is to create a fixed real balance until the end of the back swing with the end result that the big calve and femur muscles together with the abdominal muscles speed up the direct pelvis rotation.

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Our team will do everything in their power to find the easiest way for all golfers to accelerate their training success, in order to be able to play healthier and longer, at the same time. The years of experience in the specialized areas of the individual members of the scientific team is the secret of success of the perfect training method. You will love this training, enjoy the training success and have fun with the game!