Synchronize the Axes of Rotation at Ball Impact – Competition Advantages

How important is the synchronization of the axes of rotation at the moment of the ball impact. Why you should  optimize the synchronization and why it gives you competition advantages?

Centered Ball Impact

Of course, we find the deepest point at the traditional golf swing method based on imbalance after ball impact, because of the lateral pelvis movement, because of the imbalance of the vertical lot axis, as well as because of movements up and down, front to back. With Consistency Golf Swing, based on real balance we eliminate these hypermobile, outstandingly difficult biomechanics, our deepest point of the ball impact is centered.

Core Balance – Necessary to Synchronize the Axes of Rotation

As mentioned in one of our previous videos, with Consistency Golf Swing, we change the timing of the downswing and start it by a rotational impulse of the right toe. To be able to do this, the precondition is core balance. Core Balance is necessary to synchronize the axes or rotation at the correct time unit of ballimpact.

We start the downswing at the right toe because the big leg muscles and the core muscles are slower than the shoulder rotation. If we start with the shoulder rotation, the slow leg muscles have no chance to bring your hips into the correct position at ball impact. The hip axis will lag behind the shoulder axis.

What is the Goal?

The goal is to synchronize the axes of rotation of the ankle, pelvis and shoulder exactly at the time unit of ball impact. All rotational axes are synchronized at a position of plus 22,5 degrees. Starting the downswing with your right toe instead of your arms, you are able to synchronize all rotational axes until ball-impact.

More Power, Precision and Repeatability

A centered ball-impact and the sychronization of the axes of rotation enables us to have better control of spin, more power, precision and repeatability.

Promote your Health

Also, if you look at the numerous wrist, elbow and shoulder injuries, you find that the reason for this is having angles of attack that are too steep and no definition of a pelvis-spine-angle and head position. Core Balance Free Release is the solution for this problem.

The synchronization of the axes of rotation allows for more consistency and promotes your health.

If your want to know what brings you further competition advantages, then please become a member now.

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For our Team golf is not just a sport – it is a passion and a lifestyle!
Our team will do everything in their power to find the easiest way for all golfers to accelerate their training success, in order to be able to play healthier and longer, at the same time. The years of experience in the specialized areas of the individual members of the scientific team is the secret of success of the perfect training method. You will love this training, enjoy the training success and have fun with the game!