Golf Injuries: Herniated Disc

A herniated disc is one of the most common injuries in golf. How can we avoid a herniated disc in golf? Our Core-Balance Free-Release method is regarded as a joint and intervertebral disc – friendly because it helps to prevent a herniated disc. Dr. Göbel explains why this is so.

The Core-Balance Free-Release Method of Consistency Golf Swing was able to eliminate all joint and intervertebral disc damaging partial movements of the traditional Golf Swing Method, which is based on the principle of imbalance. Therefore our new method is considered joint and intervertebral disc friendly. MD Dietmar Göbel explains why.

Using Consistency Golf Swing to Avoid a Herniated Disc in Golf

According to MD Göbel, the our new Core-Balance FREE-RELEASE method of Consistency Golf Swing, clearly, appears to be healthy or health-promoting, because we always look at the body as a whole.

We agree that exercise, endurance sports in fresh air, has positive effects for the heart lungs, and the immune system. However, if we want to avoid a herniated disc in golf, we have to consider the musculoskeletal system.

CGS Always Considers the Musculoskeletal System

The musculoskeletal system has so far been left out of this concept of “golf is healthy”. If we now deal with the musculoskeletal system, to avoid an injury such as the herniated disc we naturally have to take into account the natural anatomy, the physiological movement dimensions of the joints and the entire muscle chains, from the foot to the back of the head.

Prevention and Therapy with CGS

With the FREE-RELEASE method of Consistency Golf Swing, this is always taken into account and is therefore especially suitable to avoid a herniated disc in golf. If you have already suffered from a herniated disc, you should definitely change your swing pattern and choose a method that reduces the risk of a second herniated disc. This is ultimately the case with the FREE-RELEASE method of Consistency Golf Swing.

If your want to know what brings you further health benefits in golf, then please become a member now.

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For our Team golf is not just a sport – it is a passion and a lifestyle!
Our team will do everything in their power to find the easiest way for all golfers to accelerate their training success, in order to be able to play healthier and longer, at the same time. The years of experience in the specialized areas of the individual members of the scientific team is the secret of success of the perfect training method. You will love this training, enjoy the training success and have fun with the game!