Lag Angle Power at Ballimpact in Golf – Competition Advantages

What happens with the lag angle and the centripetal force just before the ball impact? Why lag angle and centripetal force should be optimized and why it gives you competition advantages?

Lag Angle for More Power in Your Golf Swing

To generate the optimized lag angle power, we give clear order on how to place the lag angle at the end of the back swing. It is extremely important, that your left arm is stretched by the triceps muscles, this means not bending the elbow. Because of this need, we elimination the double rotation of the left forearm, that supports this stretching.

Use the Right Index Finger for the Correct Lag Angle Power

The right index finger has to pull the shaft during the backswing to 90 degrees. This is a precondition to use 100% of the lag angle power during the downswing. The centripetal force of the rotational speed of the clubhead and the weight of the clubhead develop so much force that the wrist of the left arm moves very fast from 90 degrees to zero. The centripedal force accelerates the left wrist, just before the ballimpact. You are not able to control this move, this is done by centripetal force.

Lag Angle at the End of the Back Swing

If you understand the correct grip of the left hand and that there is no alternative to the grip of the right hand in V-form, you are able to generate this 90-degree lag angle at the end of the back swing using our 3D grip definition.

If you add the competitive didactic, power and health advantages at this point, you will understand that our system of core balance opens up your best possible performance, no matter your level of golf you are. We change golf didactics from trial-and-error and unstructured biomechanics to a structured 3D guidebook.