Horizontal Hip Rotation in Golf Until Finish – Competition Advantages

What happens with our horizontal hip rotation in the follow through? Why we should optimize and how it gives you competition advantages?

We remember, after the ball is hit, we can’t influence the ball. Everything that happens in our body after the ball impact conduces to divert the torsion forces that occur during the swing movement.

The rotational force after the ball impact is very high and the force is transferred into the body. So make sure you follow some rules with your horizontal hip rotation during this swing phase to avoid typical golf injuries.

Horizontal Hip Rotation in the Follow Through

As already mentioned in one of our previous videos, the centered neutral axis moves to the left during this phase. This will happen in a sensomotoric way. That is, here the center of rotation is the center of the left foot.

The hip will rotate until it is parallel to the target horizon. This means we have a horizontal hip rotation in the follow through. Make sure you keep your left knee slightly bent until you reach the finish position. It is important that you position your shoulder at least exactly above your parallel hip, preferably a little in front of the hip, but not behind it to avoid a pathological hollow back position.

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