Golf Injuries: Lower Back Pain – MD Dietmar Göbel

Lower back pain and pain in the lumbar spine is one of the best known golf injuries. How can we avoid them?

MD Dietmar Göbel explains in this video, why lateral shear forces, torsion, and imbalance ending in a hollowed back position, are harmful to the intervertebral discs and lumbar vertebrae of a golfer and lead to lower back pain. How can we avoid these kind of golf injuries like lower back pain?

Lateral Shear Forces Cause Lower Back Pain

According to MD Göbel the lumbar spine in particular does not tolerate any lateral movements and hardly any rotational movements. The anatomy sets clear limits here to avoid lower back pain.

For example, the small vertebral joints, the so-called facet joints, are aligned in the sagittal direction, i.e. they point forward. Lateral tilting movements and rotational movements are not possible and cause lower back pain.

Avoid Tortions in Golf

Everybody knows these pathogenic movements leading to lower back pain also from other sports. We all heard it from how dolphins swim, even from the torsion movement during javelin throwing, which goes into the hollow back. These types of lower back pain are familiar to us from many well-known activities. With gymnasts, ballet dancers, etc., it seems absolutely logical to us, but why not in golf?

Corresponding Movements in Golf

Therefore, it goes without saying that we also have to analyze a sport such as golf with the corresponding movements, in the same way, and avoid these pathological movements to avoid lower back pain.

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