Biomechanical Advantages of Consistency Golf Swing
What are the Biomechanical Advantages Using our Online Golf Instruction System Instead of Others
“Hello, my name is Frank Drollinger, let me explain our biomechanical advantages of our perfect step-by-step golf instruction training system.
Besides the great Ben Hogan, I am the second Golf Method Developer worldwide. It´s important that you know that we separate golf methods by key principles. Little changes or improvements which do not change the key principle are only variations.
I call the common golf swing biomechanics, IMBALANCE, because of the body weight shifting in the backswing. My method with the name CORE-BALANCE FREE-RELEASE is that it has the core principle of a stable center of pressure and center of mass until the back swing.
Clear Orders With 3D Coordinates to Improve Your Golf Swing
I was able to describe all swing phases with 3D coordinates. This means you, as a student, will receive precise and clear orders as to how far you have to move, in which direction you need to move in and when. The next advantage is that with this guide-book is that the quality of your swing will improve. Additionally, you will be able to train your motor control for each step. Your body will get the advantage of learning each move.
Core System for Best Result
Because of the key principle, CORE, I was able to reduce the sequences of the motion by 31, a huge decrease. This has the benefit that we made the swing simpler, speed up the learning process and reduce the risk of mishits.
Our structured set up will guarantee that you are able to establish a consistent, repetitive, quality swing. This means, you will know what you have to do and you can do what you want. Most noteworthy, you will gain unbelievable confidence and mental stability because you will not only follow my system – the first time, you will understand the sense of every part of the swing.
Gain More Consistency and Repeatability with Brain Programming
The next advantage is the consistency and repeatability of each swing. With my system you will be able to start establishing brain-muscle-communication. This means that your brain will become programmed with the right orders. You´ll know what you have to do during each swing phase. This is so easy that after a few days of training you will only have to think about 3 key parts of your move.
Because we synchronize the rotational axis and use the big right thigh muscle to speed up the pelvis rotation you will get more distance, club and ball speed and the perfect face angle quality in your game.
Scientifically Proven to be Healthy
For me, as a guy who loves my students, it is very important that my swing method has focuses on being health conscious. I am able to say – this method promotes your health. My working partner and Golf Medical Coach orthopedic expert, MD Dr. D. Goebel, wrote a medical, researched based article which was confirmed and published in the MD Expert Magazin OUP. This created a new quality standard for golfers.