MD Dr. Dietmar Göbel is an orthopedic expert and surgeon. In 2017 Dietmar published a science paper work about avoiding lower back pain and slipped discs.
Dietmar is also an expert for playing golf with artificial joints. Dietmar worked on a survey with more that 1050 Golfers to learn about their body weight transfer at the end of the back swing. He realized that all follow the imbalance and instability swing method. This means they create at the end of the back swing not only blocked calf and femoral muscles, but also an oblique pelvis. An oblique pelvis causes you to have pinched discs. If we add the lateral movement of the pelvis we create a pinched and an under pressured disc as well. Dietmar quoted „This is the source of the most golf related lower back injuries“. The result of his scientific research is „CORE-BALANCE-FREE-RELEASE-METHOD“ avoids oblique pelvis and lateral movement, which means you will avoid slipping discs and after you are injured the risk to injure your discs again is eliminated. Dietmar says about the Tiger´s stiff vertebrae that with the old imbalance swing he doubles the force of the two vertebrae at their stiffest point. The only solution for Tiger and millions of golfers with similar problems would be to upgrade their method to CORE-BALANCE-FREE-RELEASE.