Frank Drollinger

Frank Drollinger


Frank was born and grew up in Germany. He is Head Master of Golf Biomechanics & Health Pro based on the CORE-BALANCE-FREE-RELEASE Method. More than 2000 hours golf medical advance education and more than 1000 hours of biomechanics made him to an outstanding golf expert.

He learned early to differentiate golf methods. Frank was very frustrated because the old swing system had no structure. Also his left ankle, left knee and lower back had lingering pain due to playing golf.

Frank has Analyzed Different Golf Swings

Because he was educated in the multi-phases-biomechanics system developed by Prof. Dr. Ulrich Göhner, Frank analyzed different golf swing philosophies, step by step.

After studying more than 250 Golf Books Frank figured out that there are two main intersections:

1. Imbalance at the end of the back swing, with the result of blocked calf and femoral muscles (compression).
2. No swing structure, this means he could not find a precise 3D blue print to learn the swing or what should be done, in each phase of the swing.

Also there are a lot of variations of swing philosophies which do not change the key principal of the method.
Frank compared the traditional golf swing with other target sports like shooting, bow and arrow or playing darts, and figured out that all target sports do not follow the key principal „imbalance“.

Frank was looking for the best biomechanical solution

So Frank looked for a biomechanical solution to create a golf swing in good and real measured balance with the sense to enable workable calf and femoral leg muscles.

The sense of workable calf and femoral leg muscles is meant to eliminate lateral shear force and oblique pelvis positions. Workable calf and femoral muscles have the advantage of starting pelvis rotation at the beginning of the downswing. With this quality an elite golfer will be able to synchronize the rotational axis (shoulder, pelvis, knee and foot) until ball impact. The result of this advantage is to generate more power and improve repeatability. Also there are no contraindications to the body which means you do not hurt yourself.

Based on this system Frank wrote a book called „Golf The New Testament – CORE-BALANCE-FREE-RELEASE“ to publish the source of the new core balanced swing method.

Frank understood very quickly that swing biomechanics have two parts: 1. Health 2. Biomechanics

Stay Healthy and Live Longer

Health is priceless for all. And acting professionally means that you have to give your self the chance not to hurt your self and therefore to be competitive for life.

Frank could reduce the complexity of the old Golf Swing Biomechanics by reducing 12 degrees of freedom. These are a lot and will make your swing simpler. Additionally Frank developed a system to speed up the learning process and repeatability of the swing.

Based on this teaching golf became a fun and engaging art for him. Frank loves to work interdisciplinary, which means with multiple areas of expertise.

The online learning system Consistency Golf Swing enables Frank to teach and help Golfers improve their game and golf health.