Why consistency golf swing?
If you know what´s to do, you can do what you want!
Why Consistency Golf Swing will be your golf training system, is very easy to explain. There are many golf training tips and many golf videos that often confuse us. Normally, they should help us to eliminate our weaknesses and faults. Therefore, we need simple instructions that fit together. That’s why Consistency Golf Swing is the golf training system for you.
For example, after his Bridgestone win 2017, shooting a 61, Hideki Matsujama said, ”I really wasn´t sure of my swing today!“
This message confirms why the Core-Balance Training System by Consistency Golf Swing is the best. This message confirms our research of more than 1050 Golfers that they are unable name the method that they use, they have never received a written 3D blue print and they are unable to describe their swing step-by-step.

Golfers, also Elite Golfers, Wish to Have Consistency
In any case, golfers wish to have consistency while playing. All golfers want to be confident with their swing. Of course, golfers want to have fun and succeed, smart golfers do not want to hurt themselves.
Perfect Brain Muscle Communication to Reduce Mishits
The result of our research confirms that golfers, including elite golfers, do not have current knowledge of their “brain-muscle-communication”. This is confirmed by the golf industry. They measured that 76% of all ball impacts were mishits.
Today we know that complex biomechanics, which means that you have a large number of degrees of freedom, needs a written 3D guide book. You have to train your brain with this 3D blueprint to memorize every single step, in the correct order. We know that golf belongs to the kind of complex sport with complex biomechanics.
To achieve a high level of quality in golf, you must properly use a brain-muscle-communication system which works for complex sports.
Why Consistency Golf Swing is Better?
Frank Drollinger developed the CORE-BALANCE-FREE-RELEASE Method and was able to eliminate 12 degrees of freedom, which means your swing will become more simple and easier.
Golfers get an easy structure for the first time in their career. No matter which HCP you have, this structured golf training system fits for elite golfers, as well as for all other golfers. I´m sure, Hideki Matsujama and also other golfers would feel confident with their swing by using this golf swing technique now.
In any case, knowing what you are doing gives golfers of all levels confidence and eliminates fear of failure. The way of learning is logically established for you by the online learning system Consistency Golf Swing. Because of our various advantages and by using a new healthy, real balanced and structured technique, we are the gold standard of all online golf learning systems. CORE-BALANCE FREE-RELEASE, with its founder Frank Drollinger works exclusively for Consistency Golf Swing.
Your Training Starts to Make Sense
You will be confident and your game will improve. Every training makes sense and you will stop wasting time. Your process of learning will be measurably ongoing. You will know the name of the method you are performing and you will be able to describe your swing step by step with precise coordinates. You will understand what you need to do and why you are promoting healthy golfing. The smile on your face, your happiness, the tangible results and repeatable quality ball impact will give you joy like you´ve never had in your game before. That is the purpose of joining consistency golf swing. We will support your every step.
Golfers wish to have Consistency while playing golf!
Should you have any additional questions regarding either our Membership or any other additional question to our CORE-BALANCE training method, please contact us!