Health Benefits of Consistency Golf Swing

Why is our Golf Instruction System Healthier than Other Systems

Everyone plays sports to stay healthy. For this reason we did a lot of research to find the best health benefits for the golf swing to avoid the most common golf injuries. We all know these injuries because they have affected of the world´s most famous  golfers.

First of all, it is important that you know, that we separate the golf swing method into two phases. That means the first phase is the phase up until the ball impact and the second phase is the phase after the ball impact.

Health Benefits in the First Phase of the Golf Swing

So, the health benefits of our golf instruction training system in the phase until the ball impact exist in no contraindications to the body of golfers. All parts of the golf swing have been biomechanically optimized, together with our medical research team. The head of this team is our MD Dr. med. Philipp Heuberer. Additionally, MD Dr. med. Dietmar Göbel is one of our best orthopedic experts and specialized in artificial joint health.

For example, according to our medical research team, Tiger, Rory, Jason Day or Justin Rose would never have had golf-related injuries if they had followed our system.

Years of Research for Best Health Benefits

During our many years of medical research work, we have placed great value on creating with our biomechanically optimized golf swing to provide the best possible health advantages. We have been able to identify our health benefits for the following most common golf injuries:

  • Chronic supination of the ankle
  • Loose tendons that can lead to arthritis of the ankles
  • Cut Achilles
  • Broken tibia bones
  • Torn knee cartilage that can result in knee arthritis
  • Common Golf Injury: Torn ACL
  • Torn Meniscus, left and right side
  • Hip and pelvis injuries
  • Lower back Injuries
  • Disc injuries
  • Bulging discs
  • Neck injuries
  • Rib fractures
  • Shoulder, elbow and wrist injuries
  • No hollow lower back at the end of the backswing
  • No inner torsion force on the bones and organs such as the liver, stomach, muscles, blister, kidneys

All of these injuries are concerning the first phase of the golf swing, as mentioned before.

Health Benefits in the Second Phase of the Golf Swing

For the purpose of a perfect health management for golfers we say, we also have to care about the health Benefits in the phase after the ball impact. Because of the interruption of the natural rotation of the left foot against the cartilage, bones, tendons and achilles, the torsion force in this phase is huge.

To remedy this Andrea Drollinger developed a FREE-RELEASE Turning Shoe, which reduces the force by up to 99%. The idea for this shoe was born, when Frank complained every day about pain while playing golf. This was also the birth of medical research to protect golfer´s health.

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For our Team golf is not just a sport – it is a passion and a lifestyle!
Our team will do everything in their power to find the easiest way for all golfers to accelerate their training success, in order to be able to play healthier and longer, at the same time. The years of experience in the specialized areas of the individual members of the scientific team is the secret of success of the perfect training method. You will love this training, enjoy the training success and have fun with the game!

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